9 WordPress Plugins Compatible with Frontity in 2021 (Frontity Packages)

9 WordPress Plugins Compatible with Frontity in 2021 (Frontity Packages)

Frontity is the easiest way to develop lightning-fast WordPress themes based on ReactJS. This free and open-source framework is particularly popular amongst developers as it enables them to easily create a headless website’s front end. 

Despite all the advanced features in Frontity, you still get more benefits with Frontity Packages. With Frontity Packages & Plugins, you are able to add compatibility and functionality to your WordPress site.

In this article, we will talk about the Frontity Packages and Frontity Plugins. Please read our full review of Frontity for a better understanding.

Getting Started

Frontity is a React-based framework that enables you to build a frontend for a headless (or decoupled) WordPress site easily. It works by serving your WordPress site as its data via the REST-API. In addition to that, it connects seamlessly with WordPress so you can focus on building your website or blog.

Frontity is compatible with all the plugins that are compatible with the REST-API. Many of them just add their output to the content, and that would work by default. Furthermore, you can utilize the Frontity Packages and Frontity WordPress Plugins to get better compatibility and functionality. Read more

Frontity Packages

Frontity Packages are idea packages that encapsulate logic that can be reused across projects. These packages are created and maintained by the Frontity Team. You can apply the main features you need from the packages in a WordPress + react stack project managed by Frontity.

A Frontity project basically contains the Core package plus a selection of Features packages. In addition to that, there are Collections packages to help speed up the development of your Frontity project. You can use the Frontity packages via npm and install them as dependencies of your Frontity project. Therefore, you can consider them as the equivalent of WordPress plugins. 

Frontity Plugins

Frontity enables you to add further functionality to your WordPress backend with Frontity WordPress Plugins. Using the plugins, you can get the most out of Headless WordPress, and add data or content to the REST API. 

The current list of available plugins are:

  • Rest API – Head Tags
  • Frontity Embedded Mode

We will explain them further in the following WordPress Plugin Compatibles with Frontity section.

WordPress Plugin Compatibles with Frontity

Some WordPress plugins are supported via Frontity packages. Precisely, as Frontity relies on WordPress REST API, only those plugins which add/rewrite content to the REST API can be used in Frontity. At the moment, here is the list of WordPress plugins with full support on Frontity.

  • REST API – Head Tags
    Frontity REST API Head Tags Plugin

REST API – Head Tags is an official WordPress plugin by Frontity. This plugin adds all the tags in the head section of a website to WordPress REST API responses. It is perfect if you are using WordPress for a headless set-up. Furthermore, you can use it to add the meta tags generated by your WordPress SEO plugin to the WordPress REST API output. It is compatible with WordPress SEO plugins like Yoast SEO and All in One SEO Pack. 

If you are using Frontity, you just have to install the Frontity package for head tags and it will work automatically. Or you can download the plugin here.

  • Frontity Embedded Mode
    Frontity Embedded Mode Plugin

Frontity Embedded Mode is an official plugin by Frontity to enable the Embedded Mode of Frontity. Embedded Mode is one of the two main modes of implementation in Frontity alongside the Decoupled Mode. In this mode, the primary domain points to the WordPress site, and the Frontity site can be on another domain – including the default URL provided by a free hosting service such as Vercel.

This plugin replaces the active WordPress theme with the Frontity installation. After that, Frontity can effectively become the WordPress sites’ theme. It works by substituting its own template.php in place of any call made to the WordPress template hierarchy.

  • Yoast SEO

Frontity is fully compatible with the Yoast SEO Plugin through the Frontity Package for Yoast. Yoast SEO is a WordPress plugin for search engine optimization. This package allows you to automatically get and render all the tags exposed in the REST API by the Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress. 

It works with Yoast SEO version 14.0 or later. However, if you have an earlier version of the Yoast SEO plugin, then you should use the Frontity Package for Head Tags instead. You will also need the REST API Head Tags plugin.

Read also: WP Yoast SEO – Ultimate SEO Plugin That You Must Use in 2021

  • Contact Form 7
    contact form 7

Contact Form 7 is a WordPress plugin for you who want to easily create an online form on your website. You can use the plugin with Frontity through the Frontity Package for Contact Form 7 by Aamodt Group. Since it is built with React and Frontity, you can experience the blazing-fast process when creating your form. Moreover, you can use it for multiple pages at once.

If you want to use it, you just need to create a page in your WordPress website that contains a Contact Form 7 shortcode or Gutenberg block and install the package. Then visit that page in Frontity and the package will automatically render all the CF7 forms that are present. 

Read also: Integrate an Online Form Into Your WordPress Using WP Contact Form 7

  • Gravity Forms
    Gravity forms

Besides Contact Form 7, Frontity also supports Gravity Forms, another popular online form builder plugin on WordPress. You can use it on Frontity with the Frontity Package for Gravity Forms by the Aamodt group. It supports the standard input and text area fields, and also single select and date fields. Similar to the Contact Form 7 package, it also has an impressive speed and can be used on multiple pages. 

When using the Gravity Forms package, you don’t need any settings. You should be able to see the form on any page or post that contains one.

Read also: Gravity Forms – One Tool You Need to Build Professional Forms Online (Review 2021)

  • WP Job Openings
    WP Job Openings plugin

WP Job Openings is a plugin for setting up a job listing page for a website from Awsm Innovations which is under the same team as other Frontity projects (Forbes Africa and AWSM F1 Starter Theme). Frontity also has the package for enabling WP Job Openings plugin in the Frontity framework. Moreover, you can use it for the application form. All the default fields and the fields supported by WP Job Openings Pro are supported in the job application form. It also offers a simple way to define the custom route (or page) where the Job listing needs to be shown.

  • ElasticPress
    elasticpress plugin

ElasticPress is a fast and flexible search and query engine for WordPress. Frontity has a dedicated package for ElasticPress to add more functionality. You can use it to enhance the search experience on your Frontity themes. 

  • Microsoft Clarity
    Microsoft Clarity

Microsoft Clarity is a free web analytics tool for WordPress sites. You can use Microsoft Clarity with Frontity using the Frontity Package for Microsoft Clarity. This package was created by mtadros to give better insights to improve your design to grow revenue and increase user retention.

  • Elementor

It’s possible to get Elementor content to appear as desired in your Frontity project. Elementor is a popular page builder plugin. Furthermore, Frontity enables you to properly render the Element content in your Frontity project.

In order to use Elementor in Frontity, you have to copy Elementor’s CSS files over to your Frontity project and import them into the main <Theme> component in your theme’s index.js file. 


WordPress development can be a little complicated to do. However, by utilizing a modern framework such as Frontity, you can take your WordPress projects to the next level. Moreover, Frontity enables you to add functionality to your Frontity project with its packages and plugins. These packages have several features you need from the packages in a WordPress + react stack project managed by Frontity. Owing to them, you can use Frontity to work splendidly with various WordPress plugins to help you get the most of your Frontity project. Up to now, Frontity is compatible with 9 powerful and popular WordPress plugins necessary for your website. Some of them are Yoast SEO, Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms, WP Job Openings, ElasticPress, Microsoft Clarity, and Elementor. Among those plugins, there are 2 plugins from Frontity, Head Tags and Frontity Embedded Mode, to enhance Frontity functionality too.


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